§ 62A-15-602. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this part, Part 7, Commitment of Persons Under Age 18 to Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Part 8, Interstate Compact on Mental Health, Part 9, Utah Forensic Mental Health Facility, and Part 10, Declaration for Mental Health Treatment:
    (1) "Adult" means a person 18 years of age or older.
    (2) "Commitment to the custody of a local mental health authority" means that an adult is committed to the custody of the local mental health authority that governs the mental health catchment area in which the proposed patient resides or is found.
    (3) "Designated examiner" means a licensed physician familiar with severe mental illness, preferably a psychiatrist, designated by the division as specially qualified by training or experience in the diagnosis of mental or related illness or another licensed mental health professional designated by the division as specially qualified by training and at least five years' continual experience in the treatment of mental or related illness. At least one designated examiner in any case shall be a licensed physician. No person who is the applicant, or who signs the certification, under Section 62A-15-631 may be a designated examiner in the same case.
    (4) "Designee" means a physician who has responsibility for medical functions including admission and discharge, an employee of a local mental health authority, or an employee of an agency that has contracted with a local mental health authority to provide mental health services under Section 17-43-304.
    (5) "Harmful sexual conduct" means any of the following conduct upon an individual without the individual's consent, or upon an individual who cannot legally consent to the conduct including under the circumstances described in Subsections 76-5-406(1) through (12):
    (a) sexual intercourse;
    (b) penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening of the individual;
    (c) any sexual act involving the genitals or anus of the actor or the individual and the mouth or anus of either individual, regardless of the gender of either participant; or
    (d) any sexual act causing substantial emotional injury or bodily pain.
    (6) "Institution" means a hospital, or a health facility licensed under the provisions of Section 26-21-9.
    (7) "Licensed physician" means an individual licensed under the laws of this state to practice medicine, or a medical officer of the United States government while in this state in the performance of official duties.
    (8) "Local comprehensive community mental health center" means an agency or organization that provides treatment and services to residents of a designated geographic area, operated by or under contract with a local mental health authority, in compliance with state standards for local comprehensive community mental health centers.
    (9) "Mental health facility" means the Utah State Hospital or other facility that provides mental health services under contract with the division, a local mental health authority, or organization that contracts with a local mental health authority.
    (10) "Mental health officer" means an individual who is designated by a local mental health authority as qualified by training and experience in the recognition and identification of mental illness, to interact with and transport persons to any mental health facility.
    (11) "Mental illness" means a psychiatric disorder as defined by the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association which substantially impairs a person's mental, emotional, behavioral, or related functioning.
    (12) "Patient" means an individual under commitment to the custody or to the treatment services of a local mental health authority.
    (13) "Serious bodily injury" means bodily injury which involves a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, protracted and obvious disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty.
    (14) "Substantial danger" means the person, by his or her behavior, due to mental illness:
    (a) is at serious risk to:
    (i) commit suicide;
    (ii) inflict serious bodily injury on himself or herself; or
    (iii) because of his or her actions or inaction, suffer serious bodily injury because he or she is incapable of providing the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, and shelter; or
    (b) is at serious risk to cause or attempt to cause serious bodily injury or engage in harmful sexual conduct.
    (15) "Treatment" means psychotherapy, medication, including the administration of psychotropic medication, and other medical treatments that are generally accepted medical and psychosocial interventions for the purpose of restoring the patient to an optimal level of functioning in the least restrictive environment.
Amended by Chapter 248, 2012 General Session